Thursday, January 11, 2018

Amazing, Samsung Promises an FM Module for its Smartphones

Amazing, Samsung Promises an FM Module for its Smartphones

FM broadcasting‬, ‪Samsung‬‬
FM broadcasting‬, ‪Samsung‬‬

We forget the past a little fast but was a time when all mobile phones, even the cheapest, allowed to listen to FM radio. It was enough to connect a headset, activate the function, and the turn was played. Easy, efficient and not even greedy in battery.

And then over the years, FM modules have disappeared from our mobiles and especially from our smartphones without we really know why. Did the module take up too much space? Was he present but locked for obscure reasons? Still, to listen to the radio on a smartphone, it must go through a streaming application or a dedicated website, which in any case will strain the battery life. This absence has been regularly criticized without anyone moving.

Samsung is considered the hero of the week since the live FM should make a comeback with the next Galaxy S9. Better, most future terminals of the world number one will have this function. The information has been confirmed by NextRadio.

Its owner explains that Samsung will "unlock" the FM module, implying that it has always been present in the smartphones of the brand ... "Samsung should be applauded for this important decision," enthuses Paul Brenner, President of NextRadio. We would like to say: it was time.

Especially since direct access to the FM band can render a lot of services, especially in case of natural disaster or when cellular networks have fallen. FM radio can then become a means of critical information and the smartphone its support (transistors are increasingly rare in homes).

However, it is a pity that this major technological advance is a priori reserved for North American markets.
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